an Walsh
7:34 AM (0 minutes ago)
to plakate
Hello Klaus,
Let me begin by saying that I found many incredible Palestine posters at your site and I am putting all of them at the PPPA with credits to HKS 13 and Rote Flora or whoever is the source.
Thanks for the work you did.
Q: I know that today you don't have up-to-date contact/info for the people/archives who gave/lent you posters for the two books back in 2001. I understand that. you maybe still have the addresses info that you had in 2001? I am being selfish in asking you this because if you DO have that info...I might be able to locate/contact them today with some Google searches.
"For example, "Peter Hein" was a non-commercial collector of posters and
documents of the Left in Westberlin who helped us then - but we dont't
have any contact with him today."
For example, do you still have the contact info for Peter that you used in 2001?
Q: For the two you have better/bigger jpegs than the ones that are online? These are too small to post at the PPPA and we really want to add them.
Also, do you know any specialty bookstores in Germany/Europe where I might be able to buy a copy of each book?
Q: Do you still have (if you ever had?) a copy of HIGH RESOLUTION TIFF's or GIF's or JPEG's of the posters at the Plakate.nadir posters? I am guessing that when you took the original scans you had high res files. Yes?
If you do, and if you can share the Palestine files with me that would let me read the small publisher's copy and artists' names etc.
Thanks for your solidarity,
DanDan Walsh Apr 2 (3 days ago)
4:47 AM (23 hours ago)
to me
... first of all:
good luck with your project! We know, its a lot of work.
If you want to credit us:
HKS 13 Berlin (
Unfortunately we don't know anything about the artists or publishers of
99 percent of the posters, and "Fundort" just means the place or
archive, were we found the posters between 1999 and 2001.
For example, "Peter Hein" was a non-commercial collector of posters and
documents of the Left in Westberlin who helped us then - but we dont't
have any contact with him today.
The "bigger" archives we visited you can find here:
But: as it was in 2001!
Actually we found many posters under beds or in cellars, some came in
parcels. The autonomous left isn't really conscientiously regarding
All the best from Berlin - and don't hesitate to ask.
KLaus HKS 13
Am 03.04.2012 02:01, schrieb Dan Walsh:
Dan Walsh
4:11 AM (4 minutes ago)
to plakate
Thanks for your reply.
I will change the source of the posters from Plakat.Nadir to "HKS 13 Berlin". Correct?
Q: Do you have the original (hi resolution?) images of the posters at your site? (I am assuming there were hi res images)
If yes, and if you would care to share them, that might allow me to read the artists names/signatures on the posters as well as publisher's info, etc.
Q: Do you have (still) the original contact data that you used to contact the sources when you wrote the books?
Q: I know the books are out of print but do you have any idea where I might purchase second-hand copies? (did each of the books have Palestine posters in them?
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