Kremel or Jerusalem!

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Hebrew translation: Two options: Golden Calf or Messiah! Kremel (Kremlin) or Jerusalem! ______________________________ Translation courtesy of Leena Dallasheh
Admin Notes


Leena Dallasheh

11:13 AM (9 hours ago)


to me





Hi Dan, 

Quite frankly I don't understand both that much.

The one on right says: 

Land of Israel Workers’ Party [MAPAI]

As the People Gather 


Friday 27.7.51, 9PM at Kiryat --- [word cut] Field 


Left one 


A [ elections list letter, MAPAI's letter in elections]

Two options 

Golden Calf 


Days of Messiah 


Carmel??? or Jerusalem 


Sorry, but I don't quite understand it! 










----- of Bands 

Ha-Alef Band 


The movement's words to the people 

David Ben Gurion 


Friday 27.7.51 




Leena Dallasheh

11:30 AM (9 hours ago)


to me






 A friend just helped. Instead of Carmel??? 


Kreml [short for Kremlin]