(Lack of Access to) Water

Admin Notes

Begin forwarded message:

From: erik ruin
Date: April 28, 2010 2:04:47 PM EDT
To: Dan Walsh
Subject: Re: Hey Erik...just goes to show that there is nothing like having the artists' input, right? All edits/corrections made...check it over and THANKS! Dan

hey dan-
scanned in & retouched some more of the 12 plagues the other day. they are-
-(Lack of Access to) Healthcare
-Checkpoints (original version)
-The Wall
-(Lack of Access to) Water

all 2005. all scanned in at 72 dpi. i have printres tiffs as well if you'd like.
keep up the good work!

On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 12:12 PM, Dan Walsh wrote:

On Apr 8, 2010, at 11:50 AM, erik ruin wrote:

hey dan-
there were originally 12 plague images made for the play An Olive On the Seder Plate by Liberty Cabbage Theater, and used as projections in that show. not all of them were made into silkscreened posters. i'll see what i can dig up for you, but in the meantime a few corrections for the Special Collections page-
-the pieces were all made in 2005.

-the piece entitled "Plague" is properly titled "the Destruction Of Olive Groves"


-the piece entitled "Plague" is properly titled "Home Demolition"

-my name is spelled with a K not a c


thanks! & i'm glad to be included in such a collection,

On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 11:24 AM, Dan Walsh wrote:

Josh MacPhee just wrote to tell me that there were 12 posters in your "Plague" series and that the PPPA only features five.

He suggested I write and see if you can send me the other seven, which I will be more than happy to include.

Here is your Special Collection at the site:


in solidarity,




Begin forwarded message:

From: Dan Walsh
Date: May 13, 2010 10:05:18 AM EDT
To: erik ruin
Subject: I hear you...

Hi Erik,

I hear you about the issue of remaining copies. Allow me clarify something: your posters BELONG in the permanent archives of the PPPA. They also belong in the permanent archives I am creating at Georgetown University.

If you have a plan for presenting a comprehensive arc of your work to some other library or archives then I would say it isn't necessary to have your works-on-paper here too. But if no one is securing/conserving the Plague series...I would like to discuss this issue further with you if you are open to that.

Why do I think your work belongs here? For one thing, it is a series...its like its own narrative. It encapsulates the arc of Palestinian life and uniquely, it uses no text. It is also a series that complimented/supported a significant theatrical performance. Your work fits into/serves several categories: self-published; wood-block; narrative; text-free; theatrical; international...etc.

As an effort to document and salvage the graphic poster component of contemporary Palestinian visual culture the PPPA seeks to conserve both the digital version of a poster as well as the work-on-paper.

Maybe we can trade some posters? Maybe you are a working artist and make your living selling your posters? If so, let's talk about prices...maybe we can work something out?

But please, don't let it happen that your work disappears.

You have created, in essence, works of significance to the Palestinian people. My job is to try to see to it that your posters, and the posters of other artists working in solidarity with Palestine don't disappear.



On May 12, 2010, at 12:31 PM, erik ruin wrote:

hey dan-
sorry i'm not sure i have enough copies remaining of any of the printed posters to be able to spare 2 of each to donate.
i think there is now only two images missing from the Special Collection, i'll poke around in my files and see if i can find 'em.

On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 7:16 PM, Dan Walsh wrote:

Hey Erik,

Just a follow up note to let you know that the PPPA would REALLY like to have your Plague series in the permanent archives. That means we would love to have two copies of ANY/ALL posters you dig up.

I would also like to have a complete set of jpegs for your Special Collection.

Once that is done I will write a Curator's note about their history as props/visuals for Olive on the Seder Plate. Or maybe you would like to write that as an Artists' Statement? Feel free.

Did you know the PPPA had copies of the Olive on the Seder Plate poster? Its true:



