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The Jewish News of Northern California

Right-wing posters attacking SJP appear at S.F. State — again


Usually surprising things come out of left field, but Thursday at San Francisco State University, a surprising thing came from the right.

The David Horowitz Freedom Center is distributing this poster and one other on 10 college campuses nationwide.

Students and others roaming the sprawling campus may have glimpsed the David Horowitz Freedom Center’s latest salvo in its fight against what it considers anti-Jewish and anti-Israel bias at universities: posters attacking Palestinian groups on campus.

There were two different posters and both contained the hashtag #NoSupportForCampusTerrorists. Few other details were immediately available.

“Our poster campaign has a dual purpose,” said Freedom Center founder David Horowitz in a statement. “It exposes the truth about Students for Justice in Palestine’s ties to anti-Israel terrorism and its glorification of terrorists like Rasmieh Odeh and it challenges the administration at San Francisco State to defend speech that deviates from the typical anti-Israel narrative that dominates on campus.”

Odeh’s first name is spelled Rasmea, but was spelled Rasmieh on one of the posters.

The Freedom Center claims that posters were distributed at 10 campuses, including UC Berkeley.

SFSU student newspaper the Golden Gate Xpress first reported the news.

The David Horowitz Freedom Center is distributing this poster and one other on 10 college campuses nationwide.

Campus officials removed the posters swiftly, per one source, but not before they caught the attention of SFSU President Leslie Wong.

“This week I encountered both the re-emergence of posters on campus attacking and condemning the work of Palestinian activists and their supporters,” Wong wrote in a letter to the SFSU community obtained by J.

It’s not the first time the right wing Freedom Center has used such a tactic to convey its message. Posters bearing similar messages were similarly plastered — and removed — from the SFSU campus in October 2016. At that time the posters were condemned by Bay Area Jewish organizations on and off campus.

Wong himself has been under fire from Jewish community organizations and student groups who say SFSU has exacerbated tensions between Jewish and Palestinian groups on campus. Problems on campus were also the topic of a J. report examining the issue, published Wednesday.

“At the same time a harsh critique of my leadership of SF State was delivered via the J Weekly [sic], conveying the hurt our Jewish students are feeling and portraying the campus response to concerns of the Jewish community as inadequate, at best,” Wong wrote in his letter to the campus community.

Source: https://www.jweekly.com/2017/05/05/right-wing-posters-attacking-sjp-appe...


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