Let All Prisons Fall

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Arabic translation: (text at top) All of Palestine is ours Not only the West Bank and Gaza Let all prisons fall And the arms* of the people, shake! (text bottom left) Anniversary of the Nakba (Catastrophe) May 15, (1948) * The Arabic word used here does not mean firearm but rather forearm giving the meaning here to "shake one's fist".
Admin Notes

Memory of the Nakba - All of Palestine is ours - Kefah






Yousef Asaad

9:05 AM (2 minutes ago)


to me







Artist/Designer/Photographer:  Unknown

Language: Arabic

Year: Unknown - As I remember they do 2-3 posters in circa 2006-2009 – No more info about this Group

Publisher: Free Student Thought Bloc - Kotlat Alfekr Altulabi Alhur – Kefah

Published in: Jordan


Caption: in week local language .. incoherent speech


All of Palestine is ours ... Not only the West Bank and Gaza

Let all prisons fall .. O Arms of the people, shake!


فلسطين كلها النا .. مش بس الضفة وغزة

فلتسقط كل السجون .. ويا زنود الشعب اهتزي


Memory of the Nakba


ذكرى النكبة



Kotlat Alfekr Altulabi Alhur - Kefah

كتلة الفكر الطلابي الحر - كفاح
