L.E.V. Pour Une Palestine Libre

Analysis / Interpretation / Press / Source

Our Current Campaign:
Summer 2024 MP By-Election

Lasalle, ville-Émard and Verdun unite for a Free Palestine!

With the resignation of LEV’s previous member of parliament, David Lametti, we have an excellent opportunity to have our voices heard on both the local and national level in the upcoming by-election. In this context, LEV 4 Palestine is running a third-party postering campaign against Canadian complicity in the genocide in Gaza. Through this campaign we seek to:

  • Bring awareness to Canadian complicity in the genocide of the Palestinian people through thought-provoking election signage across the entire riding
    (these signs are protected under the elections act - tampering or defacing them is a criminal offense).
  • Attract media attention and force candidates to debate Canadian militarism, arms export and support for genocide.
  • Affirm loud and clear that the people of Lasalle, ville-Émard and Verdun stand in solidarity with the people of Palestine.


