The Liar

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Hebrew translation: 

The Liar 

Elections Now!

Admin Notes

Five Political Posters, 1990s – Incitement - Poster against Rabin 07. State of Israel, IDF Five political posters. Israel, 1990s. * "The Murderer", with a photo of Yasser Arafat. *"Jerusalem in Sight", with an illustration of Yasser Arafat shooting. *"This is not peace, Day of Independence 1995". *Illustration of Yasser Arafat holding a mask with the face of Shimon Peres. * The famous incitement poster "The Liar, Elections Now!" with a photomontage portrait of Yitzchak Rabin with a Kafiya on his head. Size varies. Good to very good condition. Opening- $300 Sold for-$440

261 Ten Political Posters – Incitement against Yitzchak Rabin 11. State of Israel, IDF Ten political posters. Eretz Israel, 1990s to 2000s. *"The Murderer", with a photo of Yasser Arafat. (Two posters, uncut). *Jerusalem seen through a Pistol Sight" with an illustration of Yasser Arafat shooting a pistol". * Famous incitement poster "The Liar, Elections Now!" portraying a photo- montage of Yitzchak Rabin with a Kafiya around his head. *"Avoda BaEynaim", illustration of Yasser Arafat holding a mask of Shimon Peres's face. *"This is no Peace, Independence Day 1995". "Moledet" Party elections poster with the portrait of Rechavam Ze'evi – "head of 'Moledet' says what you think!". *There will be no Transfer, poster issued by Mapam party young generation. * "The Twins", poster with photos of Yasser Arafat and Ossama Ben Laden and the inscription: " Expul Arafat, fight terror". Poster issued by "Yesha" (Jewish settlements in Judea, Samaria and Gaza) against Ariel Sharon Government. * "Blood Agreement", poster issued by "Ma'amatz" headquarters following the Oslo agreement, with a photo of Arafat and Rabin signing the agreement and numerous photos of terror attacks victims. *"The Partner", illustration of a skull with a Kafiya and PLO flags instead of eyes. Average size: 70X50 cm. Condition varies. Generally in good condition.