Lifeblood of Our Struggle

Analysis / Interpretation / Press / Source

Melanie Cervantes
24" x 18"
5-runs/layers handmade screenprint, Printed in my kitchen, 140 lb/300gsm Strathmore Vision cold press watercolor paper, San Leandro, CA (August) 2023

Two artist proofs available, Edition not yet released

We are making a very limited number of Palestinian solidarity posters and prints available as a fundraising tool to help us produce and disseminate political posters to the community for free. Here in the Bay we have been taking posters, developed in concert with Palestinian organizers, to mobilizations however we are going through supplies very quickly. We are in need of resources to buy more paper and will be using 100% of the sale of these prints so we can purchase more materials and give those posters to people in the streets.

With your purchase you are buying a means to distribute free hand silkscreened political graphics. We still hand make works because the labor of love and spirit go into each piece and we value that process. Thank you in advance for the support.

