Light Sky

Admin Notes

P1020682 DWPO.2010b.061 Light Sky Palestinian National Theater Palestine 2007 Aug-10 41.7 x 29.5 Performance, Theater, woman Two images of same woman in different poses, standing inside what seems like a box/stage, purple Joint production/ between Palestinian/ National Theatre in/ cooperation with/ Schlachthaus/ Theater Bern and/ Go Theatre/ produktionen/ Zurich [upper center-left]/ A play about/ the fragments and/ memories of/ one actress [upper center-right]/ light sky/ by Ghassan Zaqtan [center, Arabic & English]/ Cast: Tahani Salim/ Direction: Susanne-Marie Wrage/ Design: Renate Wunsch/ video: nlc/ lighting: Matthias Keller/ production management: GO/ Theaterproduktionen, Barbara Stocker/ Translation: Gunther Orth [center left]/ The/ production/ was opened in/ German language/ on March 29, 2007 at/ Schlachthaus Theater/ Bern and the tour in/ Palestine in August will be/ in Arabic language/ The production was produced with the/ friendly assistance of:/ Pro Helvetia, Schweizer Kulturstiftung// Kultur Kanton Bern/Migros-/ Kulturprozent/Schweizerische/ Interpreten- Stiftung/Sophie und/ Binding Stiftung [LL]/ [vert LL]/. سماء خفيفة\ عن نص لغسان زقطان\ تمثيل وإعداد: تهاني سليم\. Poster English Arabic Dan Walsh