Lina Jarbouni - Longest Serving Palestinian Woman Political Prisoner

Admin Notes


Affinie A. Ramos
12:59am Aug 4

my email is and my official website


Affinie A. Ramos
1:00am Aug 4

i have numbers of Palestine artworks which you can upload in your site too..

you can check my other portfolio here:


Affinie A. Ramos
1:00am Aug 4

thank you so much

Affinie A. Ramos
9:09pm Aug 3

salam and hello! thank you for publishing my artwork in your website..


Affinie A. Ramos
9:10pm Aug 3

by the way, there's some mistakes of my biodata, I'm from Malaysia. Thus "Published in: Indonesia" should be "PUBLISHED IN: MALAYSIA"

Thank you so much and Pray For Palestine Freedom! Ameen