Lottato In Passato

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Italian translation: (text at top) The Palestinian people have fought in the past and will continue the struggle to free Palestine (text at bottom) To establish a democratic and progressive state where all people live without oppression by race or religion (text at top of graphic) Free Palestine! (Arabic text at bottom of graphic) Revolution until victory  
Admin Notes


Palestina libera ! Il Popolo Palestinese ha lottato in passato ed e’ deciso a proseguire la lotta per liberare la Palestina per instaurarvi uno stato democratico e progressista ove tutti vivano senza oppressione di razza o di religione

S.l.n.d. 104 x 67 cm. Impression en stencil, prune sur crème, trace de pli.

Appel à la création en Palestine d’un État démocratique et progressiste. En arabe : Révolution jusqu’à la victoire.
Au dos tampon « Laboratorio culturale Nguyen Van Troy », encre rouge.

600 €