Mahjub Mahjub (French)

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source

Arabic translation:

(text at top)

Al Hakawati Theatre (The Storyteller)

(text in upper right)

Hidden Hidden (The title of the play)

Note: Al Hakawati is a component of the Palestinian National Theatre


Analysis / Interpretation / Press / Source

Published by el-Hakawati Theatre, this poster promotes their production "Mahjub Mahjub" in France. Directed by François abu Salem, the play tells the story of a Jerusalemite and the contradictions of his life in the occupied city of al-Quds. The cast of the play includes ʿĀmer Khalil, Edwar Muʿallem, Adnan Tarabsha, Jackie Lubeck, Dawud Kattab, Muhammad Mahamid, Majid al-Kurd, Rady Shhada, and Waṣef Dandis.
