[ PPPA Contact Form Submission]
Tq. via cpanel23.teamholistic.com
Jun 12
to me
Submitted on Tuesday, June 12, 2012 - 13:50
Submitted by anonymous user: []
Submitted values are:
Your name: Tq.
Your e-mail address: tq.atallah@gmail.com
Subject: Palestine map resource
Category: General question or comment
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Dear Mr. Walsh
I admire your work and efforts for global awareness on the cause of the Palestinian people and their country, through the medium of propaganda and advertisement posters. I'm watching your "A Pixel Is Worth A Thousand Verbs" at Columbia Univ. During your academic lectures, when asked about posters showing map of Palestine before 1946, it might be useful to show this UN statistical map linked here at a UN page: http://domino.un.org/maps/m0094.jpg (unless you have to acquire special permits to add it to the collection or show it). It might not be a topographic map but it says it all, and responds the inquirer.
I pray and ask God for your support
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Dan Walsh
Jun 12
to Catherine
Catherine Baker
Jun 12
to me
Dan, all over the world people are praying and asking God for your support
Dan Walsh
Jun 12
to Catherine
yeah...did that help the PLAN folks any?
Or do they want me to help god?
Dan Walsh
Aug 13 (3 days ago)
to Tq.
Hello and thanks for that map. I plan to add it to the site soon and it is our practice to give credit to people who add/enrich the site. If you would like to have that please let me know and send me your full name, tayyib?
It will say "Sent in by Tq. Atallah"
Dan Walsh
Tq abdullah
Aug 15 (1 day ago)
to me
Dear Dan Walsh
I prefer not to be credited as this map isn't my property. This is a statistical facts map which is also approved by the United Nations pre 1946. It would be wiser to just label it of its origin and description. If you insist i wouldn't mind the credit as you suggested, fo forwarding the link.
All the best
Dan Walsh
1:20 PM (23 hours ago)
to Tq
Hello again...
The "Provenance" credit is not about who published ...that comes under "Publlisher" ... the source/provenance credit helps establish the fact that people, many people, people such as yourself are contributing to the growth and richness of the PPPA website.
best and thanks,
Tq abdullah
12:45 PM (32 minutes ago)
to me
you're right. Human effort adds value to the proposal. Thank you again and have an enjoyable time around Eid el Fitr