March and Rally for Iraq and Palestine

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source

Curator's note: This poster is a remix of an original work by Marc Rudin which may be viewed here

Admin Notes

Begin forwarded message: From: Charlotte Kates Date: April 30, 2011 1:52:21 AM EDT To: Dan Walsh Subject: Re: The Palestine Poster Project Archives Hi Dan, Thank you again! It is very exciting to see this on the site :) I'm sorry for the delay in getting the posters to you. I have moved from NJ to Vancouver and in the process pared down the paper I have, and have been checking with others also to see what they have on hand. (This is also my third or fourth computer since I began doing these.) So I am looking to see what I do or do not have on hand physically and/or can get from others!! About the high-res PDFs, those I am much more likely to easily have on hand. Oh, I believe that poster was distributed by Stop the Wall Campaign several years ago - in 2003 or 2004 - and posted on the Internet in a high-res version. I am going to look for it now and see if I can find the original information (which may well have had the artist's name!!) Thank you again, I am very excited to see this!! Charlotte :) On Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 12:55 AM, Dan Walsh wrote: Hello Again Charlotte, Picking up where we left off... I have uploaded the first of your posters: I just went through the NJS site with all your posters. I am amazed every time I go there. You are responsible for creating a very important body of visual art on Palestine and this poster begins the process of creating a new Special Collection that will feature much/all of the work you have done for NJS. Q: Do you have a hi res file for this image? One that will allow you to read the artist's name at the bottom. I saw this poster in Syria a while back and I think the artist is Italian. Q: Do you have hi res files for most/all the posters you did? If yes, and if you can locate them easily, this would save me a ton of copying/photoshopying. Q: Were you kidding when you said you had "archival" copies of many/all the posters you did? If yes, the PPPA would LOVE to have them. We will gladly pay shipping. The NJS poster archives reads like a chronicle of Palestine solidarity work...its a great record of NJS's work. in solidarity, Dan -- Charlotte L. Kates

Begin forwarded message: From: Charlotte Kates Date: February 22, 2011 5:05:00 PM EST To: Dan Walsh Subject: Re: "one of my favorites!" No, one of my favorite sites of ALL internet sites! :) Some were posters although most were printed at 8.5x11 for posting on campus bulletin boards, walls, etc. some of them were printed at 11x17 and i believe 18x24. I can look at home through what I have for the larger ones... Marc Rudin's posters are also my favorites (obviously) and I love the gallery you did of his work; there were pieces there I'd never seen before. On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 1:59 PM, Dan Walsh wrote: I am shattered. You mean there is ANOTHER site for Palestine posters that you love even more? Just kidding... Q: Were any of the NJS posters .... "posters" or "flyers"? Q: What SIZE were they printed out to? Maybe you will be interested to know that I forwarded the NJS site url to Marc Rudin, the Swiss artist who did the originals for some of your remixes (all of which I love BTW). I will forward you any response he sends me tho I am sure he loves what you did as much as I. Dan On Feb 22, 2011, at 4:47 PM, Charlotte Kates wrote: Hi Dan, I'm trying you via email, because you suggested it this morning; however, because I received a voicemail I'm not sure if this is your correct email address :) I'll be happy to answer any questions you have about the NJS posters - about them, obviously all of them were in hard copy at some point or another because they were used to advertise for events and activities. I do believe I still have "archive" copies of some of them - i will check for them if you are interested. Thanks again and as I mentioned before, your site is one of my favorites! In solidarity Charlotte Kates -- Charlotte L. Kates -- Charlotte L. Kates

Begin forwarded message: From: New Jersey Solidarity Date: April 28, 2011 8:21:53 PM EDT To: Dan Walsh Subject: Re: Questions from the Palestine Poster Project Archives... Hi Dan. Thanks for your comments. Sorry for the delay in response. We are not nearly as active these days as in the past years. We do however still try to maintain the website. You have some great ideas about the book, but it would just be a matter of someone taking the time to implement them. Honestly we have never had any requests for it in other formats, and as you can imagine it was quite a long project to make the version that we do have available (from scanning, OCR'ing, proof-reading, etc.) The artist on a large majority of our original posters is Charlotte Kates. I believe you have spoken with her. Her email contact information is should you wish to get in touch with her. In solidarity, Noel Winkler On Mon, Apr 4, 2011 at 1:09 PM, Dan Walsh wrote: Dear NJS Friends, I am the archivist of the PPPA: I several q's I hope you can help me with: 1) I have added the NJS link for this book to the PPPA site: (Great book, BTW. I used it in the 80's but had lost track of it. Good work making it available online. The artist who did the graphics also did this Palestine poster, a classic: Q: Several teachers have written to me saying they are now using the book but the NJS PDF does not allow them to either copy it or to print out the pages in other than html. Is that how you intended to present it? May I suggest that it would be better if the entire PDF could be copied and also that the printing option print out the pages as they appear in the PDF. (teachers want to use the pages as class handouts) Please don't read any criticism into this - there is none. Only praise and a wish to make things easier for teachers who have the courage to teach the truth. 2) I LOVE the artwork in the NJS flyers site: Q: I believe I was in touch with the artist but seem to have lost that contact. Would you be so kind as to forward this to her because I want to create a new Special Collection for the flyers/posters of NJS at the PPPA site. Such great work! in solidarity, Dan Walsh -- New Jersey Solidarity - Activists for the Liberation of Palestine 973-954-2521