
Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Arabic translation: My homeland, my homeland Glory and beauty, sublimity and splendor Are in your hills Note: These lines are from the Palestinian national anthem (text at bottom) To Jerusalem we go
Admin Notes

The 11th  Memorial of Yaser Arafat 2015 / By: Ayman Harb

 ayman harb 4:36 AM (7 minutes ago)  to me  Dear: Dan Thanks a lot to give me the place for my poster on PPPA Page  About the translations in Arabic: it is a Palestinian National anthem :) I dont know how to translate in in English.  I have a facebook page for (DEAL) my design company, and the following is the link:  Yes I'am Palestinian.  I have printed copies on Foam Board size 100X70 Cm, but I can Print it on paper size A3 if any one need.  Thanks again