This Is Me - And I Don't Die

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Arabic translation: لا تحرقوا زمني انني الجمر لا تسرقوا شفتي انني الفجر لا تطحنوا وطني انني الصخر لا تهزموا لغتي انني النصر هذا أنا و أنا لا أموت Don't burn my era For I am the embers Don't steal my lips For I am the dawn Don't crush my country For I am the rock Don't conquer my language For I am victory This is me... And I don't die by Sakhr
Admin Notes

From: Subject: Fwd: I am betting a coffee that you know SOMETHING .... Date: February 28, 2010 1:34:20 AM EST To: Emil Moneem 1978 ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Dan Walsh Date: Sat, Feb 27, 2010 at 10:12 PM Subject: I am betting a coffee that you know SOMETHING .... To: hosni radwan ...about this poster. Do you think Sakhr is the poet or the poster designer? Do you know who did the poster? This poster has puzzled me for a loooooooong time... al akh, Dan -- Hosni Radwan Mobile:+972599307969 Skype:hosniradwan Ramallah,Palestine