
Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Sighting: Cairo, July 2014 Arabic translation: (text at top) Memorabilia (memorial picture/post card) It is not easy to carry the trust Depicted is Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, the current president of Egypt Basically this is a completely dehistoricized and augmented image of the original Palestinian poster. Here Sisi is depicted as carrying Egypt's burdens and history: the pyramids, Al-Azhar, the shantytowns in the background, etc. It is not a spoof but rather a sympathetic image suggesting that his load is very heavy and requires a herculean effort. Ironically, Al-Aqsa is in the image as if to imply that he is a guardian of Jerusalem as well. Given that the majority of Egyptians are unfamiliar with the original poster, this can be easily pitched as a novel work of art. Adel Iskandar
Admin Notes

shuf ya an enta mash hoor...dan






Dan Walsh 

6:56 AM (5 hours ago)


to Adel



ps: can u read the Arabic text in the VERY BOTTOM right hand side?






---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Adel Iskandar 
Date: Sun, Aug 3, 2014 at 11:54 PM
Subject: Re: Hey habeeby...can you tell me and R what the HELL is going on in this poster? Gharib! Dan
To: Dan Walsh

hey ya Dan, 
So basically it is a completely dehistoricized and augmented image of the original Palestinian painting. Here Sisi is depicted as carrying Egypt's burdens and history--pyramids, Al-Azhar, the shantytowns in the background etc. It is not a spoof but rather a sympathetic image suggesting that his load is so heavy and requires a herculean effort. Ironically, Al-Aqsa is in the image as if to imply that he is a guardian of Jerusalem as well. But given the majority of Egyptian's unfamiliarity of the original painting, this can be easily pitched as a novel art form.


On Sun, Aug 3, 2014 at 5:54 PM, Dan Walsh  wrote:





Adel Iskandar

8:26 AM (3 hours ago)


to me





Perfect. Thanks for crediting my explanation. Cheers




Dan Walsh 

11:18 AM (52 minutes ago)


to Adel





You forgot to answer the question. I am giving you another opportunity :)




Adel Iskandar

11:31 AM (39 minutes ago)


to me





Hhehe It reads مع تحيات  With the best wishes of.....the first name is scratched off and the last name is Amin. I imagine that's either the designer of the poster or the person who commissioned it.


hard to get my brain around this one -- sighting






Rochelle Davis

10:35 AM (10 hours ago)


to me





This sighting was sent in by Meir Walters. (GU phD student
It is of Sisi in Egypt. He took it on a wall in Gamaliyya in Cairo.

Translation top: Memorabilia

Bottom right: It is not easy to carry the trust.


Here's one of the originals.