Memory of the World - Nomination 2016-2017

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Click here to see all 1,600 posters in the Memory of the World nomination

Admin Notes

URGENT question


Dan Walsh 

Aug 30


to Iskra

Dear Ms. Panevska,


I just got a call from a reporter doing a story about the Liberation Graphics Collection's nomination to MOW.

She told me the MOW link to my nomination does not work. I confirmed this. Also, the MOW page listing the current 2016-2017 nominations are not accessible either.

Can you please bring me up to speed on this troubling change?

Thank you,

Dan Walsh

Panevska, Iskra

Sep 1


to Athina, me

Dear Mr Walsh,

I can confirm that  all the nominations have been taken offline on the recommendation of the Register Sub-committee since some of the nominations (not yours)  were incomplete or did not fully meet the technical requirements (such as signed forms, or authorization to use images, or details of several nominators in the case of joint nominations, etc). Because of these  nominations the RSC suggested that we first finalize all the files and then put back online  all the  the nominations instead of having incomplete set of nominations and many questions from Member States. AS a matter of fact, there is not a specific  date/period fixed for publishing  all the proposals online: we made an effort and put them online at the end of July but there were two many issues to be clarified and hence the decision to be temporarily taken offline. This being said,. however, we have already transmitted all the proposals  to the Register Sub-committee and they have started the assessment process, in  parallel with the gathering of any missing information.

There is nothing to worry about, the proposals will be posted back  online shortly but I cannot give a precise date at that moment.
Your nomination is complete and fully registered and there is nothing to worry about.

Will let you know once the nominations are back online. (I am copying my colleague Athina who is currently responsible for the website who will send you an email)

With best regards,

Iskra Panevska

From: Dan Walsh []
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 11:08 PM
To: Panevska, Iskra
Subject: URGENT question

Dan Walsh 

Sep 1


to Iskra

Dear Ms. Panevska,


Thank you so much for your reply. 


You have no idea how much we appreciate knowing the true state of play.


best regards,


Dan Walsh

Panevska, Iskra

Sep 1


to me

Should you have any other queries or worries, please contact me by email or just call me.

Best regards,

Iskra Panevska