Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Spanish translation:
My heart beats for my
Palestinian (and)
Chilean brothers (and the)
People of Central America
... and of course
For you, my love
The central graphic element in this poster is an enormous human heart, printed in red and outlined in bright yellow. It is also the direct object of the opening phrase, "mi corazon" (my heart). The text at top is a salute to people and places the artist feels have been, or indeed are, the subject of brutality and injustice, including Palestine and Chile, the artist's homeland.
The final phrase, "and of course you, my love" refers, one must assume, to a profoundly intimate and personal loss known only to the artist. This reference relates directly to the crime of "disappearance", practiced widely by the Pinochet regime. This reading is reinforced by the yellow "X" among the row of human skulls above the heart. The heart, the "X" and the note in English make this poster at once a quientessentially public political statement and deeply private memorial to a still-cherished love.
This may be a Day of the Dead memorial.
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The PPPA seeks a better JPEG of this poster
The PPPA has only the low resolution digital version of this poster featured
40" x 30"