English: A General Zionists campaign poster from the 50s calling for free-market reforms at a time when Israel's ruling party was the socialist Mapai. The letter on upper right corner is the ballot box letter, To it's left is written "Will free the country". On the shackles is written (from left to right) "Protection, party education, Hamashbir (note: referring to "Hamashbir Hamarkezi" monopoly of the Histadrut), Solel Boneh, monopolies, corporatization. On the bottom is written "From the shackles of the miserable administration" עברית: כרזת בחירות של "הציוניים הכלליים" משנות ה-50 הקוראת לרפורמות שוק. Date 18 September 2012, 18:57:09 Source www.facebook.com Author General Zionists
This Miserable Administration
Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Hebrew translation:
(text at top)
The General Zionists will free the country
(red text at bottom)
From the shackles of this miserable administration! (Mapai)
(text on shackles - left to right)
Protection; party education; Hamashbir (Hamashbir Hamarkezi monopoly of the Histadrut); Solel Boneh; monopolies, corporatization
Source: Wikipedia
Note: The bird-like shears are in the shape of the Hebrew letter ayin (ע) which is the election ballot designator for the General Zionist party
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Circa 1955
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