Israeli Political - שלום עכשיו - Anwar Sadat and Menachem Begin
English Title: Israeli Peace Now
Poster ID: CL69393
Category: Political / Other
Year: 1970s
Actor / Director:
Country: Israeli
Size: 28 x 20 inches = 71 x 50 cm
Condition: Very Good
Price: $200
1979 anti Haifa Peace Poster
Collection of Documents and Posters – Evacuation of Yamit – 1979-1982
Opening: $150
Sold for: $350
Including buyer's premium
A collection of documents, maps and posters related to the evacuation of Yamit. 1979-1982.
Yamit region was the main area of civil Israeli settlement in Sinai. Following the peace treaty between Israel and Egypt in 1979, Israel evacuated the settlers inYamit and destroyed all the settlements. Following the agreement, some of Likud party members quit the party and founded the party "Techiya – Ne'emanei Eretz Israel".
* Maps of the Sinai Peninsula. * Paper items on behalf of "Techiya, Ne'emanei Eretz Israel" movement: broadsides, list of founders, membership form, signatures notebook. * "The State of Arafat will not be Established! Likud will Prevent it!". Broadside on behalf of Likud party (two copies). * Ironic notice announcing the death of "Alma" oil field on behalf of patriotic organizations for salvation of the homeland. * "Territories for Peace, Fourth Edition Begin Style". Caricature by Ya'akov Elazar. * Collection of leaves, alphabetic list of Yamit evacuated settlers with their new addresses. * Newspaper clipping, notice on behalf of ex-Etzel members against the Camp David agreements. * Photographs from signature ceremony of the peace treaty between Israel and Egypt. 1979. Souvenir for "Yeidot Ahronot" readers.
* Shalom Achshav Shalom Al Israel". Two photographic posters on behalf of "Ne'emanei Eretz Israel" depicting Begin wearing a Yellow Magen David and Anwar Sadat wearing a tie with swastikas and the inscription "Final Solution, Munich 1938-Haifa 1979".
Lot of about 25 paper items. Some of several leaves. Size and condition vary.