My Rose of Palestine

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
My Rose of Palestine lyrics: Near the old stone gates of Jerusalem, Where the pilgrims pass each day; There's a quaint old-fashioned coffee-house Where they rest on their weary way. It was there amid the quiet and shade; It was there I met a beautiful maid, And they called this maid "The Rose of Palestine," My little Rose. Chorus: When the olive trees are blooming Just beyond the city gates, I am going back to meet her, To my Rose, for I know that she still waits; And when the other pilgrims worship their shrine I'm going back to worship this Rose of mine; In my heart I've built a garden, For my Rose of Palestine. There's a road that runs by Jerusalem, Just a road of rocks and sand, Yet no sweeter path to Paradise Could be built by mortal hand. It was there I used to stroll with my love; It was there beneath the bright stars above That she promised me She'd be forever mine; My little Rose.Composer: Abe OlmanLyricist: Dave Radford
Admin Notes

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Charles A. Kennedy
Date: Sat, Aug 6, 2011 at 8:32 PM
Subject: Re: Amazing website
To: Rochelle Davis

Thanks for your enthusiastic response. There are all sorts of papers waiting to be written on the materials in the collection.
Welcome to the site!
Let me know if you need copies of the music (although most it is less than stellar--it is kitsch after all).

Charles A. Kennedy
prof. emeritus of religion
Va. Tech.
----- Original Message -----
From: Rochelle Davis
Cc: Brenda Bickett
Sent: Saturday, August 06, 2011 12:20 PM
Subject: Amazing website

Dear ArabKitsch Master/Mistress:
You have really done a fabulous job collecting, presenting, and analyzing this
treasure trove of material. Thank you, whoever you are.
I will direct students to this, as well as our Middle East librarian.


Rochelle Davis
Assistant Professor of Cultural Anthropology, Georgetown University
Center for Contemporary Arab Studies,