The Nakba at 59 - We Will Return

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source

According to the artist Mohammed Hassona, this poster is a hand-painted reproduction of an original BADIL poster titled "We Will Return" by the artist Qutaibah Ahmed. It was done as an assignment for a class called Color Theory, at Gaza University


Admin Notes

P1020713 DWPO.2010b.039 The NAKBA at 59 Aboud Qutaibah Palestine BADIL Palestine 2007 Aug-10 70.0 x 52.0 Nakba, Commemoration, right of return, refugees Silhouette of a woman dancing with a large key hanging from her neck against yellow background and shadow of barbed wire and 2 hands reaching up The NAKBA at/ 59 [vert top left, in Arabic & English]/ Qutaibah Aboud [vert, LL, name of artist, in Arabic & English]/ National Committee for the Commemoration of the Anniversary of the Nakba and the Palestinian Right of Return Coalition [LL, in Arabic & English]/ We Will Return [LR, in Arabic & English]/. ذكرى النكبة 59\ تصميم: قتيبة عبود\ لجنة إحياء ذكرى النكبة - فلسطين, بالتعاون مع الائتلاف الفلسطيني لحق العودة\ عائدون\. Poster Arabic English Dan Walsh

traded with Ryvka Bar Zohar

so interesting ... Inbox x Dan Walsh 3:01 PM (7 hours ago) to Mohammed ya Mohammed, Thanks for those posters...of course I will put them up... Can you tell me about the poster that you sent of the above image...can you read the signature? Does it say "Qutaiba Ahmed"? Do you know if that is a copy someone did of Qutaiba's poster or is that the ORIGINAL art? It would be very good/important to know the true answer if you can get it. shokran ya akhi, Dan Mohammed Hassona 3:29 PM (6 hours ago) to me Dan , the photo i sent to you , it's from my university we have in our study a course called " Colors Theory " so the photo is a project of one of my friends his name " Mahmoud Al-Dahdouh " , he take the original one and re-design it with colors so the photo i sent to you not -printing but drawing by colors only i hope you will understand me