Objekte: Archivnummer ist K-1242...at MDZ site
P1020669 DWPO.2010b.072 The Nakba at 60 Ghryieb Ashraf Palestine BADIL National Commemoration Committee of the Nakba 60 Palestine 2008 Aug-10 98.9 x 70.1 refugees, right of return, nakba, commemoration Image of Palestinian women fleeing in 1948 carrying children and provisions, above them a large fist holds land deeds with "Not for Sale" stamp 60 Years of Nakba [UR, in Arabic]/ The NAKBA at 60 [vert UR]/ Government of Palestine [on land deed, in Arabic]/ Not for Sale [red stamp over land deed, center, Arabic & English]/ 2008 Al-Awda Award Artist Ashraf Ghryieb, Gaza [vert LL]/ The National Commemoration Committee of the Nakba 60 - Palestine/ In cooperation with BADIL Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights [LL with same in Arabic on LR]/. 60عاما من النكبة\ حكومة فلسطين \ مش للبيع\ جائزة العودة 2008. الفنان اشرف غريب - غزة\ اللجنة الوطنية العليا لإحياء الذكرى ال60 للنكبة\ بالتعاون مع بديل/ المركز الفلسطيني لمصادر حقوق المواطن واللاجئين\.ا Poster 1.5 cm tear at UR, some creasing at UL. Arabic English Dan Walsh http://www.palestineposterproject.org/poster/the-nakba-at-60