Begin forwarded message: From: Atallah Salem Date: September 24, 2010 3:36:20 AM EDT To: Dan Walsh Subject: Re: ya akhi Atallah.... I don't know why, but it is supposed to be that 1st place winning poster in 2009. I am attaching it again to this e-mail On 23 Sep 2010, at 22:55, Dan Walsh wrote: Hello Brother, its me...Dan Walsh... I just opened the CD that someone, you? from Badil gave to her in July to give to me. I have some questions about its content and I am hoping maybe you can help me with answers. I will write only one question in each email (its easier for me to process the answer that way) and I hope you don't mind me sending a bunch of emails, tayyib? Question: I have a file that won't open. It says - 2009-nakba-poster-A.pdf Which poster is that? tadamon! Dan, al rafeeq PS: the PPPA now has 3, 260 posters on display...moomtaz, mazboot?
P1020667 DWPO.2010b.073 The Nakba at 61 Hazboun Rami Palestine BADIL National Commemoration Committee of the Nakba 61 Palestine 2009 Aug-10 98.1 x 68.7 refugees, right of return, nakba, commemoration, destroyed villages, Mahmoud Darwish A large key pointed towards large keyhole from which emanates a light whose beams are the names of various destoryed Palestinian villages, green, black, red, and green background 61 Years of Nakba [UR, in Arabic]/ the Nakba at 61 [vert UR]/ Kufur Bir'im, Khirbat al-Jufah, Ein al-Mansi, al-Mazar, Nawras, Zir'in/ Kafr Lam, Al Sakhneh, Ayn Ghazal, Arab al Safa/ Khirbet Beit Lyd, Akka, Um Ujrah, Beit Dras, Abdas, Deir Athas/ Dayr al Haban, Bait Nateef, Ghirbeh, Bait Jibreen/ al-Malda, al-Sindyanah, al-Tantoura, Cesaria, Soubar, al-Qala'iyyeh/ Al Ghabeyeh El Tihta, Kafr Sour, Arab El Nefeaat, Safad/ Deir al-Hou, Beir al-Saba', Ein Karim, Beit Attab, Beit Mahseir, al-Mouyilj/ Msakeh, Khirbat El Mansheyeh, Khirbat El Majdal, Kafr Saba [center diagonal, coming out of light beam, alternating Arabic/English beginning with Arabic]/ 61 years of Nabka [diagonal LR to center, etched on key in Arabic]/ I am from there [LL, in Arabic line from Mahmoud Darwish poem]/ BADIL Resource Center - Al-Awda Award 2009 - Palestinian Artist Rami Hazboun - Abu Dhabi/ Palestine Liberation Organization/ National Commemoration Committee of the Nakba 61 [bottom left, same in Arabic at bottom right]/. 61عاما من النكبة\ كفر برعم, خربة الجوفة, عين المنسي, المزار, نورس, زرعين\ خربة بيت ليد, عكا, أم عجرة, بيت دراس, عبدس, دير أذاس\ المالدة, السنديانة, الطنطورة, قيسارية, صوبار, القلاعية\ دير الهو, بئر السبع, عين كارم, بيت عطاب, بيت محسير, المويلج\ واحد وستون عاما من النكبة\ أنا من هناك\ مركز بديل - جائزة العودة 2009, بوستر الفنان الفلسطيني رامي حزبون - أبو ظبي\ منظمة التحرير الفلسطينية\ اللجنة الوطنية العليا لإحياء الذكرى ال61 للنكبة\.ا Poster A few small creases on lower left side of poster Arabic English Dan Walsh