P1020714 DWPO.2010b.038 The Nakba at 62 Abu Sall Musa'ab Palestine BADIL Palestine 2010 Aug-10 68.7 x 48.8 Nakba, commemoration, Mahmoud Darwish, right of return, refugees Two cactus plants in the shape of the number 62 stand over dry and cracked earth, light purple background. the Nakba at/ 62 [vert top left, in Arabic & English]/ Job screamed today filling the sky/ Do not make an example of me twice! [top right, line from poem by Mahmoud Darwish, in Arabic]/ 62 [center, large and resemble cactus plants]/ BADIL Resource Center - Al-Awda Award 2010-Artist Musa'ab Abu Sall, Buriej Camp, Gaza [vert. LL, with tiny BADIL logo]/ Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)/ National Committee for the Commemoration of the Nakba [LL]/ [the same information is available in the same design on the LR side of poster in Arabic]/. ذكرى النكبة 62\ أيوب صاح اليوم ملء السماء\ لا تجعلوني عبرة مرتين!\ 62\ مركز بديل - جائزة العودة 2010, بوستر الفنان مصعب أبو سل- مخيم البريج, غزة\ منظمة التحرير الفلسطينية\ اللجنة الوطنية العليا لإحياء ذكرى النكبة\. Poster Arabic English Dan Walsh http://www.palestineposterproject.org/poster/job-screamed-today
Nakba at 62 - Job Screamed Today
Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Arabic translation:
Job screamed today filling the sky with his voice
Do not make an example of me twice
Curator's note: This is a line from the Mahmoud Darwish poem "Passport"
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The PPPA has an original copy of this poster
13.5" x 19.25"
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