2- Sarajevo, Istanbul Collection for Ars Aevi museum at the City Gallery Collegium Artisticum. Edition 1 of artwork Mentalopia acquired by Ars Aevi was part of the Neighbors in Dialogue exhibition curated by Beral Madra. Participating artists: Farhad Moshiri, Khaled Hafez, Shalva Kakhanasvili, Lamia Joreige, Wafaa Yasin, Dilek Winchester, Vahram Aghasyan, Sanan Aleskerov, Xurban.net.
Begin forwarded message:
From: Steve Sabella
Date: March 28, 2011 11:42:18 AM EDT
To: Dan Walsh
Subject: Re: http://www.palestineposterproject.org/poster/neighbors-in-dialogue ... do you have
The links are below
On 23 Mar 2011, at 18:59, Dan Walsh wrote:
1) a link for the Istanbul Collection For Ars Aevi Museum (Turkey)?
General Link of Ars Aevi Musuem http://www.arsaevi.ba/
2) a link for the exhibit? (go here and see how an exhibit can live/serve/work beyond its gallery dates:
click on the link to the catalog
3) got an email address for the curator?
Turkish Curator - beral madra