Re: PPPA Contact Form Submission
| Mon, Oct 21, 4:59 PM (16 hours ago)
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You must think we are some kind of aesthetic snobs, right? But actually PPPA does not have "standards" ... we are not censors in the sense that we would judge a poster on its graphic power or appeal, or lack thereof. No, we do not do that. The "standards" we do practice are those of the American Library Association "best practices" for information science. This is where the demand for a "unique" title comes from, not from PPPA.
Now, for another issue I am sorry to bother you with, yes, we got your poster titled:
When Silence Becomes Complicity
This poster presents another issue in the sense that your title is not anywhere actually on the poster. If you look through the PPPA most posters, maybe all, have titles that are pulled directly from the text on the poster. Why? Because it makes it easier/faster/friendlier to students, etc.
Our suggestion? Follow the titling procedure we used for this poster on the same topic:
A good title would be: Speech Falls Silent
Would this work for you?
On Mon, Oct 21, 2024 at 4:44 PM Nicolas Bezerra <> wrote:
Amazing, I'm happy the poster was up to the PPPA's standards!
Dan, i submit other poster did you see?
Poster link: Poster Name: When Silence Becomes Complicity
On Mon, Oct 21, 2024 at 5:40 PM PPPA <> wrote:
PS: Your Sinwar poster is "Poster of the Week"
See home page.
On Mon, Oct 21, 2024 at 3:05 PM Nicolas Bezerra <> wrote:
Name: Nicolas Bezerra Social Media: @Bezerra.Graphic Poster link: Poster Name: When Silence Becomes Complicity
Re: PPPA Contact Form Submission
| Mon, Oct 21, 6:24 PM (14 hours ago)
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Concordo plenamente com você... e-mails são péssimos para uma comunicação real e autêntica.
That's GooglePortuguese.
Here is your last poster:
Fraternalmente, I offer you all the patience in the world. To offer less would be an insult to Palestine. You and I are comrade partisans in the struggle for global liberation from capitalism which is at the heart of the struggle for Palestine. I would never burden a comrade with concerns about anything that distracted you from your work for the revolution. I am sure you feel exactly the same way.
Standing With Gaza
On Mon, Oct 21, 2024 at 5:09 PM Nicolas Bezerra <> wrote:
Yes, it could be this title.
I will take it into account for the next posters.
About what I said earlier:
Sorry, that's not what I meant. I don't know English so I write Portuguese and translate, and this can cause some miscommunication. I also ask for a little patience and apologize for not correctly conveying the message of being gratified.