Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Arabic translation:
No to the conspiracy of administrative autonomy
The anniversary of the intilaqa (launching of the revolution in 1965) and the intifada is a testament to the continuous struggle of our people
The negotiations will result in more settlements and more killings
On the 25th anniversary of the PFLP no to autonomous rule and yes to an independent state
Stop/end negotiations the intifada is our choice
Our choice is a hard one and our path is a long one but it is guaranteed
A complete popular referendum is required
The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
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Begin forwarded message: From: Amer Shomali Date: November 19, 2010 4:40:17 PM EST To: Dan Walsh Subject: Re: what is this word? Made me crazy...dan it reads: Jish jish is a short for Jabha Sha'abeh the pflp. this short Jish is used also on their logo. jish with an arow rntering palestine On Nov 19, 2010, at 9:42 PM, Dan Walsh wrote: