Brilliant! ... in solidarity, Dan Walsh Inbox x Dan Walsh 2:40 AM (9 hours ago) Freedom Funnies 8:37 AM (3 hours ago) to me Hey Dan! Thans for posting the comic. Great work you are doing. -Ethan On Sat, Feb 11, 2012 at 2:40 AM, Dan Walsh wrote: >
Brilliant! ... in solidarity, Dan Walsh Inbox x Dan Walsh Feb 11 Freedom Funnies Feb 11 Hey Dan! Thans for posting the comic. Great work you are doing. -Ethan On Sat... Dan Walsh Feb 11 to Freedom Comrade Ethan! I added your original drawing as well. I love them both. Q: Do you have any print copies of your Palestine posters? I ask because I place copies in the PPPA permanent archives as well as in the Special Collections at Georgetown University, Columbia University, Library of Congress, etc. Q: I will add your other Palestine related works as good with that? Q: Can you elaborate on the origins of this poster...I read that it was for a class as SVA (School of Visual Arts?) What was the reaction? I want to post something at your pages that contextualizes your poster and its history. Did other students/artists to Palestine works? If yes, can you let them know about the PPPA? Q: Are you aware of other artists who have done Palestine posters? If yes, please evangelize the PPPA! Finally, if you are in touch with Seth Tobocman would you please forward my email address to him and tell him I would love to be in touch with him again...we go back awhile...he is a brother and one of my heroes. in solidarity, Dan ethan Feb 23 (7 days ago) to me Hey Dan! So, in rough order: 1) Yes, please list Greg Horwitch as a fellow artist on that No More Tears comic: His email is "Greg Horwitch" I don't think he's done other Palestine-related stuff- he's actually primarily a painter, as you can see from his website. 2) I do have print copies of everything, most of what I do is designed to be a flyer handed out on 8.5 x 11 paper. Should I mail you copies or what? 3) Feel free to add anything you want! 4) As to the story of that image: The story is not that interesting. I was taking Peter Kuper's class "Comics Outside the Box" at SVA. Each week he would give assignments that were meant to stretch our creative perspective in some way (a comic done entirely in a single setting, a comic composed entirely out of self-portraits, etc.) One week while he was away Seth Tobocman came in as a guest lecturer and gave a great presentation on comics as advocacy, and asked to create for our assignments that week a comic that asked someone to take action. I had been active already for some time with the NYC BDS movement and had created a number of comics for that movement, but I really wanted to create a powerful single-page comic that could reach people. That black-and-white one is what I came up with. I didn't get a lot of reaction to it, other than students saying it was good, powerful, moving. Many of the students at SVA were not very political (other topics covered, I recall, by that assignment, included recycling and visiting your local food co-op) so they didn't quite know what to make of it, I gather. No pushback, tho, which is fair enough. SVA is a fairly apolitical space in general. Adalah-NY has used it on their flyers for several years now, and had a non-comic flyer listing 10 products we were urging people to boycott in NYC. Recently we decided to combine the two, and since Adalah-NY was paying for color printing, I got the chance to color the comic, something I've only started doing recently. We printed out a couple hundred of them, and take them to conferences and actions wherever we go to distribute. They are pretty effective, I think. Seth's email is I'm sure he'd love to hear from you. In solidarity always, Ethan