"NOT A SMART STRATEGY" MOSCOW - 1976 100% ORIGINAL THE ERA OF USSR COMMUNIST AGITATION. Poster SOVIET RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA THE COLD WAR. ARTISTS MARK ALEXANDROVICH ABRAMOV AND VLADIMIR PETROVICH DOBROVOLSKY. Mark Aleksandrovich Abramov (1913 – 1994) was a cartoonist. Born in Kharkiv in 1913. 1931–1936 — Study at the Moscow Engineering and construction Institute (IISS). 1930 — together with his brother Oleg was cartoons (signed MOA) for newspaper «Bezbožnik» and «Working Moscow magazine "Searchlight". In 1932 — draws political cartoons for magazines "Crocodile", "Banner", "Soviet woman", "Twinkle"; newspaper "Izvestia", "moskovskaya Pravda, literaturnaya Gazeta, Pravda and more. Exhibition of young novice artists Moscow, July 2, 1934. 1943 — Performed a series of drawings "Battle 1943". 1950s — 1960s — Author of graphic albums "It without a mask", "Satire", "a satire on the enemies of peace", Wong "Colonizers is!" (jointly with a. Bazhenov), "be alert" and the other with signatures of Soviet poets listen; cartoons: "peace Congress in Moscow", "Trash" and for the story-pamfletu and the Diary of Dr. Borodina. Norman ". In 1956 he served mainly in agricultural posters. 1964 — honoured artist of the RSFSR. 1994 — Died in Moscow. Dobrovolsky Vladimir Petrovich (1920-1991) painter and graphic artist. Member of USSR artists Union. Honored artist of Russian Federation. PRINT MILITARY PUBLISHING HOUSE «ВОЕНИЗДАТ» MOSCOW 1977. OFFSET PRINTING. IN PERFECT CONDITION. Size 330 X 265 mm. (12,9x10,4 inc.) IF YOU NEED ADDITIONAL PICTURES - WRITE. ONLY BY AIRMAIL DELIVERY WITH TRACKING NUMBER. Combine the delivery, second and following posters each – 0,99$. Have a good time!
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