The town of Kiryat Shmona was established in 1949 on the site of the former Palestinian village Al-Khalisa (Al-Khalsah), whose inhabitants had fled after Safed was taken by the Haganah during the 1948 Arab–Israeli War and an attempt by the village to come to an agreement with the Jewish authorities was rejected.
On April 11, 1974, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command, sent three members across the border from Lebanon to Kiryat Shmona. They killed eighteen residents of an apartment building, including many children, before being killed in an exchange of fire at the complex, which became known as the Kiryat Shmona massacre.
Do u have ANY idea what this means?
Sat, Jul 2, 1:55 PM (4 days ago)
to Faris
What/who/where/when was "Nowrass"?
I know the word means "seagull" but I have been ALL OVER the internet and can find nothing ya'ni la shay.
A revolution which does not aim at changing me by changing the relations between people does not interest me; what is more, I doubt whether a revolution which does not affect me enough to transform me is really a revolution at all. The Palestinian revolution has established new kinds of relations which have changed me, and in this sense the Palestinian revolution is my revolution.
Jean Genet
The Palestinians
Faris Shomali
Sat, Jul 2, 2:20 PM (4 days ago)
to me
I think it refers to this
but are you sure of the publication date? if I'm correct, this poster was probably published in late 80s, or early 90s.
Sat, Jul 2, 4:27 PM (4 days ago)
to Faris
I am very mortubak about these actions.
1) Here is the Wiki for the 1974 action that was undertaken by three men:
On April 11, 1974, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command, sent three members across the border from Lebanon to Kiryat Shmona. They killed eighteen residents of an apartment building, including many children, before being killed in an exchange of fire at the complex, which became known as the Kiryat Shmona massacre.[6]
2) Here is the Wiki for the 1987 Night of the Gliders which involved only two men:
3) Here is my SpC on the Night of the Gliders (Also called Qibia):
Sat, Jul 2, 4:38 PM (4 days ago)
to Faris
PS: I just created this Special Collection:
Sat, Jul 2, 7:13 PM (4 days ago)
to Faris
For years I wondered who these guys I know. D
Faris Shomali
Sun, Jul 3, 1:40 AM (3 days ago)
to me
I'm sorry I confused you.
You are right.. This has nothing to do with the gliders.
Will look more for what al nawras refers to.
Regarding the last poster you sent me, I noticed that the translation needs an update. Instead of (Their) integrity is the sign that the revolution continues
Al khalsa is the sign....
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From: PPPA
Sent: Sunday, July 3, 2022, 03:13
To: Faris Shomali
Subject: Re: Do u have ANY idea what this means?
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Sun, Jul 3, 11:03 AM (3 days ago)
to Faris
done shokran