Occupation Is A Crime

Admin Notes

Re: your Palestine poster

Jorge Arrieta jorge@popsiclesandgrenades.com
11:24 AM (54 minutes ago)

to me
What an incredible collection Dan! Unbelievable!

I am grateful to be added to your archives. This poster was actually one of the few that I hand cut the stencil and hand printed them. I think I only did a few, maybe 10 or so. If you need or keep hard copies then I would be happy to send you one.

Thank you for your work to help make the world a better place,

Oh you asked about other web urls - one is jorgearrieta.com


On Nov 20, 2012, at 8:03 AM, Dan Walsh wrote:

> From: Dan Walsh
> Subject: your Palestine poster
> Message Body:
> http://www.palestineposterproject.org/poster/occupation-is-a-crime-1
> Hello Jorge,
> I hope you like this!
> We will add your web page...what is your url?
> in solidarity with Palestine,
> Dan Walsh, Curator/PPPA

Dan Walsh ppparchives@gmail.com
11:38 AM (40 minutes ago)

to Jorge
Brother Jorge,

Good to hear from you and thanks for your kind words.

I added your url.


YES! We LOVE hard copies. They help legitimate the Palestine poster genre.

If you have any extra copies you can send them to:

Box 2863
Silver Spring, MD 20915

Here is what we do with the copies (From our FAQ's):

What does the PPPA do with its duplicate posters?

The PPPA donates many of its duplicate Palestine posters to cultural and educational institutions such as the Museum of Design Zurich, Georgetown University and theCenter for Palestine Studies at Columbia University. Duplicates are frequently traded with private individuals as well as other archives and libraries.

Q: Have you done any other Palestine posters?

Q: I have your nationality listed as USA...is that correct?

Q: What year did you publish the poster?

in solidarity,


Jorge Arrieta via comcast.net
12:15 PM (3 minutes ago)

to me
Hi Dan, thanks for your prompt reply.

I will send out the poster in the next few days. It will be sent rolled in a tube.

1. No, I have not done anymore posters directly related to Palestine, yet many of the ones that are aimed at the US could be applied to Israel as well.

2. Yes I am from the USA - my dad is from Colombia, hence my name.

3. I do not remember when I did the poster - safe to just pick a date from 2009-2011 (sloppy sorry)

Feel free to put me on a mailing list if there is one.

Thank you. I have not had the opportunity to do much work like this in a long time and it is nice to be inspired positively instead of always from outrage and disgust. The latter is probably why I began to distance myself from this type of work so to be more optimistic with my family, yet I believe I have just discovered that I may have misjudged it. One can still participate in a powerful way positively through Peace and not War, by Love and not Hate, and by Giving and not Receiving.

In gratitude,