Occupation - Ihtilal

Admin Notes

P1030717 DWPO.2009.045 Down with the Occupation Anani Nabil Palestine Association of Artists for Freedom of Expression Palestine 2002 2009 69.9 x 49.8 Occuption, resistance, apartheid Neutral brown background, newspaper clips collage forms bust of Palestinian man, text left and below DOWN WITH THE OCCUPATION [vert, left edge of poster]/ Down with the occupation/ 2002/ Nabil Anani [bottom center, in Arabic & Hebrew}/ Publisher: Dar al-Yaqin for publishing and distribution/ Jerusalem PO Box: 19236/ Distributor in Palestine and Internationally:/ Center for Smart Information and Services/ Address - Clock Tower Building - Ramallah/ Telephone : 2950697 Fax: 2950695 [LL, in Arabic]/ [center of poster features lots of text from newspaper clippings in Arabic]/. يسقط الاحتلال\ نبيل عناني\ الناشر : دار اليقين للنشر والتوزيع\ القدس ص.ب: 19236\ الموزع في فلسطين والخارج :\ مركز المعلومات والخدمات الذكية\ العنوان - عمارة برج الساعة - رام الله\ تلفون : 2950697 فاكس : 2950695\. Poster Six very small horizontal creases along rught edge, slight fold at LL and UR corners, two longer horizontal creases at UL edge Arabic English Hebrew Dan Walsh