One of His Hands Wrought the Work

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Hebrew translation: One of his hands wrought the work and the other held a weapon Nehemia 4, 17 Subtitle: 53rd anniversary of the Labor Federation
Admin Notes

Yoram E. Shamir to me show details 2:37 AM (8 hours ago) A1) Yes. I have known this poster since my childhood. And, there is a signature of Shamir on the right hand margin. A2) Yes. From: Dan Walsh [] Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2011 7:07 AM To: Yoram E. Shamir Subject: 2 q's 1) did you know immediately that it was Shamir brothers? Did you already know the poster? 2) when you say "Labor Federation" does that mean Histadrut? dan Inbox X Dan Walsh Apr 5 (2 days ago) Reply Yoram E. Shamir to me show details Apr 5 (2 days ago) Title: " ONE OF HIS HANDS WROUGHT IN THE WORK, AND WITH THE OTHER HAND HELD A WEAPON" A quotation from Nehemia 4, 17 Subtitle: 53rd anniversary of the Labor Federation Artists: Shamir Brothers Year: 1973 Publisher: Labor Federation

Histadrut Poster - 53rd Anniversary This 1973 poster celebrates the 53rd anniversary of the founding of the trade union the Histadrut. The dramatic image, designed by the Shamir Brothers (signature lower right margin), illustrates the biblical verse, Everyone with one of his hands did the work, and with the other held his weapon. (Nehemiah 4:11), which describes how the Israelites after their return from Babylonian exile rebuilt the Jerusalem walls in the face of their enemies. The two juxtaposed hands hold a wrench and a sword. The poster, published by the Histadrut, combines lithography and photo-offset. It is backed on linen and is in very good condition. sheet dimensions; height – 27“, width – 19 1/2“ Price: $500.00