One For the Other (Original Version)

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source

Hebrew translation:

All of Israel are responsible one for the other

Note: An altered version of this poster may be viewed here

Admin Notes

335 "Unemployment Fund" – Moshe Vorobeichic 09. Posters, Bibliophilia, Bezalel, Israeli and International Art
Poster issued by the unemployment fund of the Histadrut. HaPoel HaTza'ir cooperative printing press, Tel-Aviv [2nd half of the1930s or early 1940s]. Design: Moshe Vorobeichic. The unemployment fund was founded in 1932 by the Histadrut. Upper part of poster (approx. 8.5 cm.) is missing.
61X84.5 cm. Fair-good condition, folding marks and restored tears. Attached to acid-free paper.
Opening- $1000