Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
From the Bernard Museum of Judaica - Justify Your Existence exhibit catalog:
One Brother to Another
Moshe Vorobeichic
Palestine, 1935
The Histadrut’s Unemployment Fund was established to relieve chronic unemployment in 1930s Palestine, but the fund did more than offer monetary support to unemployed workers. By contracting for road construction, opening factories, forming cooperatives, and giving loans to kibbutzim to purchase farm equipment, the Histadrut eventually became the country’s largest employer. In its original Hebrew, the caption beneath this poignant image poetically evokes a centuries-old Talmudic dictum: Kol Yisrael Areivim Zeh la-Zeh (“All of Israel are responsible one for the other”)
The adapted version given here is by David Ben Gurion, first Secretary General of the Histadrut, who would later become the first Prime Minister of the State of Israel. Translation from Hebrew: General Federation of Jewish Workers in the Land of Israel (Histradrut) Unemployment Fund Banner Day for the Unemployment Fund is Sunday, December 8, 1935 “We are responsible for each other, one brother to another, and today is answerable to tomorrow.” —D. Ben Gurion
Artist / Designer / Photographer
Special Collection
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Status / Acquisition Goals
The PPPA has only the low resolution digital version of this poster featured
61 x 84.5 cm
Admin Notes
335 "Unemployment Fund" – Moshe Vorobeichic 09. Posters, Bibliophilia, Bezalel, Israeli and International Art
Poster issued by the unemployment fund of the Histadrut. HaPoel HaTza'ir cooperative printing press, Tel-Aviv [2nd half of the1930s or early 1940s]. Design: Moshe Vorobeichic. The unemployment fund was founded in 1932 by the Histadrut. Upper part of poster (approx. 8.5 cm.) is missing.
61X84.5 cm. Fair-good condition, folding marks and restored tears. Attached to acid-free paper.
Opening- $1000