Only One Path

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Arabic translation: There is only one path towards Palestine And it passes through the barrel of a Fatah rifle
Admin Notes

Dear Mr. Walsh, How are you? This email is written on the behalf of my father, Hassib Aljassem. My apologies for the late reply. I manage my father's website when I have time and open the emails in English. You are most welcome to contact him at ( directly if the emails are in Arabic, otherwise, please continue using this email address for all English correspondences, which I will translate and communicate to him. In regards to your questions. 1) Would you like me to add your website link to your PPPA gallery pages? Yes. Thank you. 2) Are there other posters in the PPPA that were created by you but which are not identified? If so, please send me those URL's and I will add them? At this time, my website has what I have currently scanned and published online. So I do not have anything else online at this moment. 3) Do you have other posters/jpegs of posters that you would like added? If so, please send me 1MB jpegs and I will add them to your SC As I continue to scan my content, I will most definitely share them with you to have them added to my SC. Thank you once again for contacting me. Thank you. On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 11:21 AM, Dan Walsh wrote: ya Hassib, I am the curator of the Palestine Poster Project Archives. It is my pleasure to inform you of your Special Collection at the PPPA site: I got your email address from Hosni Radwan, who also has an SC at the site: Some questions for you: 1) Would you like me to add your website link to your PPPA gallery pages? 2) Are there other posters in the PPPA that were created by you but which are not identified? If so, please send me those URL's and I will add them? 3) Do you have other posters/jpegs of posters that you would like added? If so, please send me 1MB jpegs and I will add them to your SC 4) Are there other Palestinian artists who you think should be included at the PPPA site? If so, please let me know. in solidarity, Dan PS: I can also change the way your name is spelled at the site. How would you like it to appear?

From: Subject: Re: ya you know this artist? Do you have an email address for him? Dan, al rafeeq Date: February 4, 2010 5:50:52 AM EST To:

Dear Dan Hassib he is iraqi artist lived in birut 1970-1982, living now in sweedin Contatct info: On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 11:39 AM, Dan Walsh wrote: -- Hosni Radwan Mobile:+972599307969 Skype:hosniradwan Ramallah,Palestine

Plakat 14 th Universary "Fateh" (Original Plakattext) 1973 Gestaltung: anonym AuftraggeberIn: Fateh Organisation, Palestinian National Liberation Movement, PS Druckerei: unbekannt Aushangsland: PS Offset 89,5 x 59,5 cm Plakatsammlung Archivnummer: 70-1817 Eigentümer: Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, ZHdK / Museum für Gestaltung Zürich, MfGZ / Plakatsammlung Klassifizierung: Plakat/ Politisches Plakat