Paskevil p. 53
New Zionist Posters
Yoram E. Shamir
to me
Title: Open Warning
Text: We have received many complaints from Jews in the Diaspora. specially from the Mid West, concerning emissaries who are traveling around and are fed and accommodated by local Jews. This is a considerable burden. Some of the donors, who want to build a name for themselves, fail with indecent men.
We warn our brethren in Diaspora not to accept emissaries who are not authorized by us. This will benefit the donors and the thousands of poor people in the Holy Land.
Year: 1897
Publisher: Comite Central des Israelites Sepharadim Jerusalem
Signed: Chief Rabbi Jacob Saul Eliachar, Shlomo Moshe Suzin, Chaim Aaron Valero, Shmuel Meyouchas, Yosef Nissim Burla, Itzhak Arieh, Mordechai Israel, Moshe Navon, Chaim Nissim Baruch