Operation Yiftah

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source

Kibbutz Yiftah was established on 18 August 1948 by demobilised Palmach soldiers who were members of the Yiftach Brigade, after which the kibbutz is named. Metzudat Koach is located nearby

Yiftah is located near Jahula, but on the land belonging to the depopulated Palestinian village of Qadas


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About this Item

59 x 43,5 cm, red and black / rouge et noir. Horizontal crease and vertical crease, very slight creasing to right edge, else fine (slight dark traces on photo are shadows) / Pli horizontal et pli vertical, très légers petits plis au bord droit, sinon excellent état (les traces légèrement foncées sur la photo sont des ombres). EXTREMELY SCARCE / RARISSIME. / Palestine (P143). Seller Inventory # 18767

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US$ 117.94