Our Compass Points Nowhere Except To Palestine

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Arabic translation: Our compass … points nowhere except to Palestine Despite your chains you are free
Admin Notes

P1030739 DWPO.2009.023 Our compass Campaign for Solidarity with the Imprisoned Leader Ahmad Saadat and his Comrades Palestine 2009 48.6 x 34.2 Political, solidarity, prisoners, leadership Photo of Ahmad Saadat at UL, writing along right side, center photo of Dome of the Rock, faded, with sequential years emanating out, red background, text along bottom Our compass…/ Point nowhere except to/ Palestine [UR]/ Despite your restraints you are free [LR]/ Campaign for Solidarity with the Imprisoned Leader Ahmad Saadat and his Comrades/. بوصلتنا...\ لا تشير إلا إلى\ فلسطين\ برغم\ قيدك\ أنت\ حر\ حملة التضامن مع الأسير القائد أحمد سعدات ورفاقه\. Poster Slight crease at bottom edge near left side Arabic Dan Walsh