P1030693 DWPO.2009.069 Our Olives Spread Palestinian Agriculrual Relief Committee Arab Agronomists Association Palestine 2009 2009 67.8 x 47.8 Olives, olive oil, woman, trees, agricultural development Center photo of woman dumping bucket full of oilves on ground in olive grove, white above with logos, yellow and green below with text Olive/ oil/ Quality Exhibit [UR, with logo]/ Organization and Partnership/ P.A.R.C/ Palestinian Agricultural Relief Committee/ ACS/ ITALY/ 1992/ Arab Agronomists Association/ RIM/ COAP/ Center of Organic Agriculture in Palestine/ Supported and Funded by/ EUROPEAN UNION [UL, with logos]/ Our olives spread../ and our roots become more powerful [center-right]/ Quality Palestinian Olive Oil Exhibit/ 18-19/3/2009/ Jenin-al-Zababdeh-Center of the Martyr Na'eem Khader [lower center]/. زيت\ الزيتون\ مهرجان الجودة\ تنظيم وشراكة\ الإغاثة الزراعية الفلسطينية\ جمعية المهندسين الزراعيين العرب\ 1992\ المركز الفلسطيني للزراعة العضوية\ دعم وتمويل\ زيتوننا يمتد ..\ وجذورنا تشتد\ مهرجان جودة زيت الزيتون الفلسطيني\ جنين-الزبابدة-مركز الشهيد نعيم خضر\. Poster Pen markings at LL corner, fold at LR corner, fold at UL corner and creasing all across the poster Arabic Dan Walsh
Our Olives Spread - And Our Roots Become More Powerful
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The PPPA has an original copy of this poster
67.8 x 47.8 cm
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