Palestina - La Tierra Santa - 2

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Special thanks to Rochelle Davis and Andrea Davis for organizing and creating this portfolio  
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P1030174 DWPO.2010a.019 La Tierra Santa 2 Nalbadian Garo NOUR Design & Print Co. Palestine Ministry of Toursim & Antiquities Spanish Agency for International Cooperation Palestine/Spain June-10 66.9 x 46.8 Tourism, travel, church, Jerusalem, Christianity 14 small photos in blocks arranged into a rectangular shape of church activities and clergy, green bkgrnd PALESTINA/ La Tierra Santa [lower center]/ COOPERACION/ ESPANOLA [in logo]/ AECI - THIS PUBLICATION WAS MADE POSSIBLE/ WITH SUPPORT FROM THE SPANISH AGENCY OF INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION [LL, in Spanish]/ Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities [bottom center, with PA logo, in Spanish & Arabic]/ Photos: Garo Nalbandian/ NOUR Design & Print Co. [LR]/. PALESTINA/ La Tierra Santa/ AECI - ESTA PUBLICACION HA SIDO POSIBLE/ GRACIAS AL APOYO DE LA AGENCIA ESPANOLA DE COOPERACION INTERNACIONAL/ MINISTERIO DE TURISMO Y ANTIGUEDADES/ وزارة السياحة والاثار\. Poster Slight creasing near top left corner Spanish Dan Walsh