[ PPPA Contact Form Submission]
Muiz me@muiz.co.uk via cpanel23.teamholistic.com
12:10 PM (1 hour ago)
to me
Submitted on Friday, May 10, 2013 - 16:10
Submitted by anonymous user: []
Submitted values are:
Your name: Muiz
Your e-mail address: me@muiz.co.uk
Subject: Amendment to accreditation
Category: General question or comment
Poster Upload:
Dear PPP
I'd first like to commend you and your team on your brilliant work on archiving a historic legacy of political and cultural posters on Palestine, which I am honoured to have been included in.
I was hoping you could make an amendment to the accreditation you gave me, and instead of suggesting my full name, and instead write just: Muiz as this is in keeping with my collective design presence.
Many thanks and look forward to sharing more work with you in the future.
Very best wishes
The results of this submission may be viewed at:
Muiz me@muiz.co.uk via cpanel23.teamholistic.com
12:17 PM (1 hour ago)
to me
Submitted on Friday, May 10, 2013 - 16:17
Submitted by anonymous user: []
Submitted values are:
Your name: Muiz
Your e-mail address: me@muiz.co.uk
Subject: Amendment to accredition [update]
Category: General question or comment
Poster Upload:
Dear PPP
I also realised the link to my website is now dead, it is listed on a URL that has the partial-full name you have listed my work under.
If you could please replace the behance URL with www.muiz.co.uk I'd be very grateful.
Many thanks once again for all your hard work and efforts
The results of this submission may be viewed at:
Dan Walsh
1:11 PM (8 minutes ago)
to Muiz
ya Muiz,
Many thanks for the compliments. We stand in solidarity with the people of Palestine.
I changed your name as you requested.
Can you:
1) send us the url for your website? The one we have does not work.
2) send us copies of your posters? This is what we do with copies (from our FAQ's):
3) What does the PPPA do with its duplicate posters?
The PPPA donates many of its duplicate Palestine posters to cultural and educational institutions such as the Museum of Design Zurich, Georgetown University and theCenter for Palestine Studies at Columbia University. Duplicates are frequently traded with private individuals as well as other archives and libraries.
4) Do you have any other Palestine posters? We would be happy to add them to the PPPA.
I'll change your name at the Related Links as well.
Dan Walsh, Curator/PPPA
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Alaa"
Date: May 28, 2010 6:15:25 AM EDT
To: "'Dan Walsh'"
Cc: "'Rania Elias'"
Subject: RE: Palestine Poster Project Archives...
Hi Dan,
Our website is a bit confusing so don't worry, I'll try to direct you in
order to reach the posters and exhibition.
2010 events/ Jerusalem festival 2010/ competition/ participants and then you
can click on next for more of the posters.
Regarding the literature festival, Yabous productions had been a
co-organizer throughout the 3 past years. This year we have organized the
opening and the closing events of the festival but the main organizer of the
event is Engaged Events, a cultural events management company based in
So the designer of the poster is a young British guy of Pakistani origins
and his name is Muiz Anwar. And YES it was printed in Palestine but I'm not
sure where exactly.
We'd be glad to send you posters for the Jerusalem festival and other events
that we've organized previously but I need to check this in the post office
and I'll let you if I send them.
TADAMON as well:) !
Alaa' Maa'ytah
-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Walsh [mailto:liberation@igc.org]
Sent: Friday, May 28, 2010 5:00 AM
To: Alaa
Subject: Palestine Poster Project Archives...
Hello Alaa,
I just got my computer back from the shop...two weeks with no
computer. Very interesting experience.
Thanks for your kind words, I am so glad we are in touch.
I clicked all around the Yabous site but I could not find the poster
exhibit. Would you be so kind as to send me the exact URL? Thanks.
I did find this poster, which I would like to add to the Yabous
Special Collection.
Some q's:
* Who is the artist?
* Was it printed?
Does Yabous organize the Palestine Festival of Literature every year?
Here is my mailing address if you want to send copies of Yabous
posters (it would be terrific to have two copies of any/all Yabous
posters if that is possible.)
Dan Walsh
Box 2863
Silver Spring, MD 20915 USA
If you can we would love to have like 10 copies of the 2010 poster.