Palestine International Festival - 1998

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Arabic translation: 50 years dreaming of return ______________________________ Special thanks to Rochelle Davis and Andrea Davis for organizing and creating this portfolio  
Admin Notes

P1020672 DWPO.2010b.069 Palestine International Festival 98 Turbo Design Palestine Popular Art Centre Palestine 1998 Aug-10 99.8 x 70.0 performance, festival, return, popular art Yellow silhouette of a violin player stands before 49 red square tiles and black bachground Palestine International Festival [top center-left with logo, in Arabic top right]/ 50 years dreaming of return [center right, diagonally near top right corner of red tiles, in Arabic]/ Popular Art Centre, 14-21 July 98, Birzeit [lower left, below red tiles, same in Arabic beside it]/ Sponsored by the Palestinian Arab Compancy for Limited Investment APIC/ and its partners Life Company for Food Goods/ Unipal for General Trading/ Palestinian Car Company [LL, in Arabic]/ Popular Art Centre [LR, in Arabic with logo]/. مهرجان\ فلسطين\ الدولي 98\ خمسون عاما على حلم العودة\ 14-21 تموز, جامعة بيرزيت/ الحرم القديم\ مركز الفن الشعبي\ تحت رعاية الشركة العربية الفلسطينية للاستثمار (القابضة) المحدودة أبك\ ومجموعة من شركاتها شركة الحياة للصناعة الغذائية\ يونيبال للتجارة العامة\ الشركة الفلسطينية للسيارات م.خ.م.\ تصميم وتنفيذ TURBO DESIGN\. Poster Left side has wear and creases, especially lower left Arabic English Dan Walsh