Palestine Is My Garden

Admin Notes

P1020692 DWPO.2010b.053 We Will Return Zubaidi Adnan Palestine BADIL Palestine 2003 Aug-10 67.2 x 46.8 refugees, right of return, woman Satellite image of Palestine in background with picture of woman planting roses in the location of the destroyed cillages on the map. We will return [vert left, in Arabic & English]/ BADIL Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights/ [beneath logo]/ Global Palestine Right of Return Coalition [bottom center, in Arabic & English]/ Adnan al-Zubaidi 2003 [LR, artist signature]/ 02-5836417: Jerusalemite message press Satellite Image: ARIJ [vert, LL, next to logo]/. عائدون\ بديل - المركز الفلسطيني لمصادرحقوق المواطنة واللاجئين\ الائتلاق الفلسطيني لحق العودة\ عدنان الزبيدي 2003\ مطبعة الرسالة المقدسية: 025836417\. Poster Arabic English Dan Walsh