Palestine Orchestra - Toscanini

Admin Notes

306 Poster – Toscanini and the Eretz Israel Orchestra, 1936 - The First Concert 08. Posters Toscanini with the Eretz Israel Orchestra. Tel Aviv, 26.12.36 – festive opening and first concert for members. 60x87 cm. Good condition. Folding lines. Tearing. Opening- $300 Sold for-$600

ZPG...please clarify... Inbox x Dan Walsh 3:20 PM (6 hours ago) to Eric The Kedem copy for this poster says: "Toscanini and the Eretz Israel Orchestra" The POSTER says: The Palestine Orchestra Which is it? I ask because this seems to be a VERY touchy issue with Zionists and Israelis. Including Y. I say that is says "Palestine Orchestra" and that Kedem is playing the game of "collective amnesia". Am I right or wrong? Zakim Eric 7:18 PM (2 hours ago) to me You are referring, I believe, to the wording around the logo, the tuning fork inside the menorah (nice logo, by the way). In Hebrew on top it says "The Eretz-Israeli Orchestra." Below, as you can read in English, it says "The Palestine Orchestra." Toscanini's name only appears in the big red lettering, and below that it reads "with the Eretz-Israeli Orchestra." And yes, Eretz-Israeli is in adjectival form, not in a compound-noun form. So Kedem is wrong in this regard. BTW, completely German program.