Judaica book Ein Hashofet, Palestine Zionist Youth 1947 Inbox x New Zionist Posters x Dan Walsh LIBERATION@igc.org 11:35 AM (5 hours ago) to me http://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/judaica-book-ein-hashofet-palestin... 4 Sold For: or Sign In to see what it's worth. • Sold Date: 09/14/2007 • Channel: Online Auction • Source: eBay • Category: Fraternal, Political, Organizations I've acquired a large number of 19th & early 20th century Judaica books, letters & photos in Hebrew & Yiddish from Russia, Germany, Palestine and Poland and a few other languages. I know absolutely nothing about the contents, value or desirability of any of the items that I will be listing. Between August and October I'll be selling several books, hundreds of letters & post cards and some artwork hopefully listing beween 25 & 40 items a week. I will do my best to describe condition, size and take several photos. Feel free to email me with questions. This auction is for 1 Judaica book "Ein Hashofet, a decade of Pioneering" Palestine Pioneer Library no.13 printed by Lion the Printer in Tel-Aviv Palestine for the Zionist Organization Youth Dept.1947. Stories about the growth of Palestine 1937-47. It is in english, 173 pages measures 4.75" X 6.5". All items will be sent in a padded mailer and include delivery confirmation
Palestine Pioneer Library No. 13 (Cover)
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