Palestine Renews With Children

Translation / Interpretation / Caption Text / Source
Curator's note: These children created the cutouts and artwork in this poster: Mona Makiyeh, Manal Makiyeh, Hiba Makiyeh, Ola Shamali, Mahmoud Daher, Maysa Daher, Alene Shoker, Mahmoud Yousef, Mohammad Shouli, Diana Al Areed, Mervet Al Diri, Rana al Diri Malik Abu Shollaih
Admin Notes

On Oct 22, 2010, at 11:29 PM, amy trabka wrote:

Hi Dan,

The images on the right hand side of that poster are from a book that the children created using shadow "puppets"...the image on the left uses the same cut outs (houses, trees) but in their original "positive" form. These children were involved: Mona Makiyeh, Manal Makiyeh, Hiba Makiyeh, Ola Shamali, Mahmoud Daher, Maysa Daher, Alene Shoker, Mahmoud Yousef, Mohammad Shouli, Diana Al Areed, Mervet Al Diri, Rana al Diri Malik Abu Shollaih. It is impossible to tell which child cut out which motif so it is better to use all of them or none of them....Ahmad Al Aidi also created additional motifs just for the poster so his name should be included as well.

Rula is the woman in the ARCPA office who usually attends to mail requests etc. and is very good about answering email.

Thank you for the special collection. There is a new poster currently at the printers that I will send you when it is finalized.


Subject: "Palestine Renews"
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2010 17:42:58 -0400

Hello Again,

I took your name off "Palestine Renews". Here's what I will do for that poster: once I have a paper copy I will transliterate all the children's names and list them all at that poster's page in a Curator's note. This way all the artists, and I consider children to be the most authentic of artists, get to see their names listed publicly next to their art. Tayyib?

I am including here for you a doc that will soon be posted "hot" at the PPPA ... it is a detailed list of questions that allows artists to take control of the information listed along with their posters at the site and includes options such as an "Artists' Statement" allowing them to elaborate on the history, content, meaning and iconography of their poster(s). I am assuming that you have done other posters—maybe you are a graphic designer?—and if so, you can expand the number of works at the PPPA. Marhaba!

Moataz and I are old friends...we go way back. I love him and he loves me but he doesn't answer email (at all) so I am going to rely on you and May to find the posters and get them to me. Moomkin? May might be coming this way and it would be great if she can bring them. If not, there is the post office and I will make a contribution to ARCPA sufficient to cover postage costs plus. Fikra jaida?

BTW...I have created a Special Collection for your works...this is something I usually do once the PPPA has four posters from the same artist. Open the url below. You can add works at any time by sending me the data and a good jpeg. Moomtaz, eh?

al rafeeq,



On Oct 22, 2010, at 2:28 PM, amy trabka wrote:

Hi Dan,

Thank you for your kind words. I would prefer not to be listed as an artist for "Palestine renews with children" as I only supervised the childrens work and helped put it together...I would prefer if you put "children from Al Jana Art club" or something like that...I think the picture of the people under the tree was reprinted a number of years ago....I remember seeing it in 2008 I think...unfortunately when they reprinted it they did not repair damage caused by insects eating away at the cornstarch in the original gouache..which is where the white lips come from.

I will try to remember to ask at the center about mailing copies of the posters...I am sure that you can reach Ahmad through the center:


Subject: Message from Dan Walsh....
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2010 12:51:12 -0400

ya rafeeqaty al finana Amy,

Nice to hear from you. I love your work. I am an artist myself and I am very picky and particular ... usually I only like my own work (I wonder what that says about my ego?!) ... but your work is warm and authentic and unassuming and delightful and it does the one thing that all great art must do to me in order for me to consider it great art: it must transport me.

And your work does, so thank you. I love to look at it and get lost in its intricacies and whimsies and the colors, I LOVE the palette you use.

I now have you listed as the artist for five posters. If I understand your email correctly Ahmad and you collaborated on Our Stories so I will add him as an artist for that poster. Please confirm that I understand you correctly on this, tayyib? Do you have an email address for Ahmad?

I am sure your are right and that the individual artists names are listed on "Palestine Renews" but the problem is that I do not have ANY copies of ANY of these posters. I can't read the small text on the jpegs...I have asked May Haddad, who I am sure you know, to bring us 20 copies of the three posters lised below (plus we would love to have copies of the New Cinema poster as well) with her when she next comes to the states. I hope she does. If she doesn't come at all do you think you could mail those to us? We would be happy to pay for postage. As I told May I want to do three things with these posters: 1) Put copies in several prestigious museums/university collections/libraries here in the states including Columbia University and Georgetown University both of which are developing Palestine poster collections 2) I want to frame several and give them to various embassies here in Washington and 3) present some to various Congressional offices and journalists and academics for their offices.

I think this approach is a good one because it promotes ARCPA and also tells the stories of Palestine in a way, and via a graphic style, that really resonates with Americans, mazboot?

Please check out the posters and tell me if I got things right, OK?


Dan Walsh

PS: what nationalities should I list for you and Ahmad?

On Oct 22, 2010, at 11:33 AM, amy trabka wrote:

Hi Dan,

My posters are the three film posters from 2003 and 2004; Youth On The Margin Create Their World, Children On The Margins Create Films - and Palestine In The New Cinema

and Our Harvest - Learning and Creativity ... I did the original art work for Our Stories Inspire Us but my work was later modified by Ahmad Al Aidi and reprinted by Al Jana...I think the first one came out in 2002, maybe..."Palestine renews with children" is a collection of cutouts and shadow theatre from many children in the Friday drwaing group at al jana and put together by myself and Ahmad Al Aidi...their individual names are probably on it in fine print. The artwork for the adopt a school program is by Ghassan Kayed, who is also pictured in the photograph of the 2002 film poster but that drawing was made by a student from Reem Charif's class ().


Subject: RE: Hi May...I hate to bug you...
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2010 08:02:33 +0000

Hi Dan...

the artist of the first two posters is Amy Trabka. i am cc her so that u can have direct communication with her

i can get the name of the artist of the third poster and send it to u soon

Excellent work, alf mabrouk


> From:
> Subject: Hi May...I hate to bug you...
> Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2010 18:47:55 -0400
> To:
> ...but I am about to launch a lovely new 100 poster web bases slide show/exhibit of Palestine posters.
> It will be available free to use as a slide show, a screen saver, in a classroom, at events...anywhere and for anyone.
> It is also very rich and beautiful...I picked posters that are colorful, powerful and hopefully, unforgettable.
> I have included three posters from ARCPA in this exhibit BUT I do not have the names of the artists and it would be such a shame for this to go out to the world and these artists not get any recognition.
> Is there any chance you can call ARCPA or Moataz and get the names of the artist(s)?
> I can hold up release for a few days.
> I have written to him but he does not reply.
> ateek al afia,
> Dan
> The three ARCPA posters:
> It MIGHT be the same artist for all three.
> BTW...when are you headed this way?