Palestine's Gift To the USSR

Analysis / Interpretation / Press / Source

Poster – "League V" – Assistance Project for the Soviet Union


"Contribute to the Ambulance-Fund / Palestine's Gift to the U.S.S.R'". A poster issued on behalf of "League V" for Soviet Russia. M. Shoham printing press, Tel-Aviv, [ca. 1942]. Hebrew and English. "Linol: Y. [Yossef] Bass".
A poster calling to contribute to the "ambulance-fund", assisting the Soviet Union. In the center of the poster appears an illustration of a mother and her son facing a blood-dripping sword and a swastika on it. On the lower part appears the inscription "Soldier of Red Army, Help!" (Hebrew).
The organization "League V" was founded in Eretz Israel in October 1941 to support the Soviet Union in its fight against the Nazis. The organization opened branches all over the country and raised funds to assist the Soviet Union. With the money raised, the organization acquired three well-equipped ambulances. In April 1943 the ambulances left on their way from Eretz Israel to Iran where they were handed over to the Red Army. 31.5X47 cm. Good condition. Folding marks and creases. Slight tears at margins.
From the collection of Dr Simon Cohen.–-league-v-–-assistance-project-soviet-union
